Andrew's Page

Welcome to my page. From here you'll be able to learn more about me and my studies.

About Me

    I am a student at the University of Massachusetts Lowell studying computer science. I enjoy both the front and back end aspects of web development and have taken up many personal projects building websites. In my free time, I enjoy playing videogames like RPGs and puzzle games, cooking, reading, model kit building, and hiking. I have a dog named Cody; he's a white-colored golden retriever.

    My current classes this semester include GUI, Introduction to Computer Security, Database I, Software Engineering, and Mobile Robotics. I am currently set to graduate in spring semester of 2020. Projects I have done in my other classes can be found in the Projects tab.

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This is my dog Cody.


Evil Hangman

A program that cheats at playing hangman with the user. It has custom implemented strings, arrays, and AVL trees. This is a school project, so source code cannot be public.

Completed Spring 2018

Sound Synthesizer

Using Karplus–Strong algorithm, this program creates synthesized sound. It uses ring buffers and filters to create differnt insterments and uses inheritance for code reuability. This is a school project, so source code cannot be public.

Completed Fall 2019


Simulating an airport, this program uses multithreading to determine if planes are safe to land given a set of rules defined by other planes positions. This is a school project, so source code cannot be public.

Completed Fall 2019


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